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Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

We enjoy talking to people and sharing our love for music, so if you have any questions please feel free to leave us a message above. In the meantime, here are some answers to questions we’re often asked.

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Music Classes at The Music Circle

What music lessons do you offer?

The Music Circle is a music school in Bukit Timah that offers music lessons for students of all ages and abilities.

Children from 3 to 5 years of age can enrol in our Early Childhood Classes.

Children 6 and up can enrol in The Instrumental Academy.

Students in The Music Circle’s Instrumental Academy undergo instrumental lessons for the piano and violin. All students in the Instrumental Academy undergo training with The Music Circle Method, to ensure they have a clear and steady path to progress. Find out more about The Music Circle’s Instrumental Academy here.

How is TMC different from other music schools?

Educators at The Music Circle utilise The Music Circle Method, a modern musical curriculum developed by our curriculum team. All educators TMC have tertiary music qualifications, as well as training in the Music Circle Method. (Click here to find out more about The Music Circle Method)

All students undergo holistic music learning, underpinned by a musical progression that parallels the learning of a language. Students in our learning community build varied music experiences playing in different performance settings, and playing in ensembles. Students and their families are all involved in our learning community, and take part in activities organised throughout the year, promoting a lifelong appreciation for the arts.

What class is suitable for my child in preschool (2 to 5-year old)?

Younger children in preschool will benefit from TMC’s Early Childhood Music Pathway for 2 to 5 year-olds, which lay a strong and essential foundation for their first steps as musicians. Click here to find out more about music and movement classes for preschoolers.

Do you have your own syllabus?

Our educators utilise The Music Circle Method © , a modern musical curriculum that aims to develop students holistically and parallel to language learning. The method emphasises the importance of nurturing visual, aural, and kinesthetic skills through mixed-modalities learning, while incorporating principles from established pedagogical approaches. Find out about The Music Circle Method here.

Can I still sign up for TMC if I want my child to take music exams?

When students are ready, we do prepare them for certain levels of examinations, especially where it is helpful for their development and progress.

However, examinations are not the emphasis of The Music Circle programme and it would not be the starting point for enrolling at TMC.

How do I register for classes?

Yes, for Early Childhood Classes (2 to 5 year olds), a trial class is $40. We can arrange for a suitable trial class for your child, if you fill in this form here.

For Instrumental lessons, we can arrange a consultation with a TMC Educator. This is not a trial lesson but an opportunity for us to meet you and your child, to get to know their musical background and to allow us to make recommendations on a suitable teacher and programme for your child. Do contact us at 90683878 to arrange a consultation.

Do you teach beginners?

Music is for EVERYONE and everyone has to start somewhere.. We teach students of all ages and abilities, from beginner to advanced.

Preschool aged children who are interested in individual lessons may be accepted on a case-to-case basis.

Do you do music lessons for adults?

Yes, we teach students of all abilities, from beginner to advanced. For adult students, we can arrange a one-hour trial music lesson. Contact us at 90683878 to arrange a trial lesson.

What are the fees for lessons at TMC?

The fees for Early Childhood classes are detailed here.

Instrumental Academy fees are based on instrument type and lesson duration. The fees are the same over 12 months and are paid on a monthly basis at the start of each month.

There are 46 individual lessons in a calendar year and 40 group/ensemble classes. On top of the enrolment fee, there will also be a deposit of one-month’s fees which will be refunded if at least one month’s notice is given to cease lessons, and if there are no outstanding fees to be paid.

You can find out more about the Terms and Conditions of service here.


Are your teachers qualified and trained to teach music?

All our teachers have undergone formal tertiary training in music, and/or Early Childhood education. When they join TMC, they are mentored and go through Music Circle Teachers Academy training, a programme for music educators to build relevant skills and gain experience needed to become an effective music pedagogue. To find out more about Music Circle Teachers Academy, click here.

Are you hiring teachers? What positions are available?

For current positions, check out our Careers page here.

We are always on the lookout for dynamic professionals who are passionate about music and making a difference in children’s lives. Email us with a cover letter and CV at

Are there admin and operations positions?

Yes! We have a team of Arts Managers on part-time or freelance contracts that we call TMC Ninjas because they’re so swift and excellent with everything they do!

Their scope of work includes:

  • Events Coordination for performances, camps, assessments and special events
  • Public Relations and Communications – General Communication with the TMC community
  • Business Development and Marketing – assisting management in marketing operations
  • Admin Support

TMC’s Learning Community

Why doesn’t TMC encourage all students to take exams regularly?

While exams may offer a hint of a child’s progress in their musical journey, focusing solely on exams can be very limiting and discouraging because a large amount of time is spent on learning and polishing the required exam pieces alone. At The Music Circle, we encourage students to explore and learn a wide range of rich repertoire, which in turn helps to broaden their musical knowledge, taste and appreciation. Technical elements and aural skills are incorporated into the learning of pieces, instead of being approached separately.

Progress is charted and monitored through our assessment framework, performance platforms as well as the technical difficulty and musical complexity advances with each piece chosen.

Can I still sign up for TMC if I want my child to take music exams?

When students are deemed ready by the respective educator, TMC can work with them for certain levels of examinations, especially where it is helpful for their development and progress.

How can I track my child’s progress without music exams?

All students in the Instrumental Academy undergo training with The Music Circle Method, to ensure they have a clear and steady path to progress. The approach is designed to equip students to understand and appreciate music on a deeper level as well as achieve a level of greater proficiency.

The Music Circle’s assessment framework is designed to provide a holistic evaluation of a student’s progress and development as a musician. While performance platforms are a crucial component of each student’s growth and development.

You can find out more about the different platforms in The Music Circle Instrumental Academy for performance and assessment here.

In addition, we help to equip parents with the tools to guide their child along their instrumental journey. Parent workshops are organised each year to help parents understand the approach of music education their child is undergoing so they can track their child’s progress better.

Can my child join the Group Class only but not individual lessons?

Group classes are designed to complement the learning in each student’s individual lessons, and only students who take individual lessons at TMC can register for Group class. They provide an avenue for students to learn alongside their peers, in a social setting, and also include an ensemble component where students have the opportunity to perform with and be challenged by their peers. Both individual lessons and group classes complement each other in line with The Music Circle Method.

Why do I need to be involved in my child’s music education?

Teachers lead classes, but their influence is limited to class time. Parents play a big part in creating a musical environment for the child and helping to guide their learning.