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Violin Pedagogy for Beginning Students

Instrumental Pedagogy 1

About this Course

This course introduces violin educators to musical progression and its application in the teaching of the violin.

Learners will be introduced to the fundamentals of violin pedagogy and expand your toolkit of activities and teaching strategies to make violin lessons fun and interesting for students of all ages using The Music Circle Method.

You will be guided on how to set beginner students up, the progression of technical learning and repertoire selection in the first 2 years of violin instruction. We will explore and survey existing method books and their progression, identifying suitable approaches.

Learners will have practical training opportunities to apply their learning and practise in a real-world teaching environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Learners will be able to demonstrate competence in teaching beginner students the basics of technique and foundation skills necessary for their long-term progress in playing the violin.
  • Learners will be able to employ fun activities and effective teaching strategies to engage beginner students in their violin lessons.
  • Learners will be able to apply and incorporate theory and aural skills activities in their violin lessons.
Who is this Course for?
  • Tertiary music students and music graduates aspiring to be music educators.
  • Instrumental teachers who want to be well equipped with pedagogical skills to teach young beginners.
  • Experienced instrumental teachers who want to learn new ways to teach and engage students meaningfully.
Course Outline
6 weeks (4-5 hours a week)
50% Online, 50% In Person
Shareable Certificate